Monday, March 16, 2020

The World Getting Together Modern Economical Tendencies and the Problems They Trigger

The World Getting Together Modern Economical Tendencies and the Problems They Trigger If you are pondering what I am pondering, you might have noticed that the modern world is full of the newest tendencies that have crept through to all the spheres possible. They have a huge impact on the modern economy, politics and education. They have invaded the labor market and are slowly winning their influence in the sphere of arts.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The World Getting Together: Modern Economical Tendencies and the Problems They Trigger specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the most popular tendencies nowadays is the idea of globalization. According to the explanation provided, it is â€Å"shrinking of the world and increased consciousness of the world as the whole† (Stiglitz 21). On the one hand, the merging of the countries and their politics, their trade beginning to improve and their relations becoming more neighbor-like improves the course of affairs within the state. Yet on the other hand, there could be certain disadvantages like mixing the culture and losing the unique features of the state. The free trade is another term to focus the attention on. As it can be easily understood, this means that the trade should be brought to the state of being completely free of the government influence, that is, these are the people who make the trade go on, without the political interference. In fact, this is the idea of a free enterprise enlarged to a cosmic scale. The people involved into trading manage their business on their own, and the government remains aside, the only case it can take part in the process is when the difficulties or arguments arise and the state help is needed. The next term to discuss is international business. Naturally, with the states working together to create the zone of free trade mentioned above, this is the prospect of the commonwealth and prosperity (Aswathappa 47). Yet the issues under the discussion are far too fragile to be taken w ithout any doubts as one and the only truth ranked as global. It is important to remember that the multiple issues these concepts include make them pose certain problems to the people.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, the idea of integration can be understood as the concept of the common business-making. Each state can see right through the infrastructure of the other and control its incomes and benefits, or at least take a note on the statistics. This would mean that the certain democratic issues are being neglected or even violated, and this might draw the parties to a conflict (Daniels 115). Daft warns that such issues might occur quite often, as a rule, due to the cultural differences that cannot be erased – after all, people need some time to adjust themselves to the culture they have encountered. â€Å"All organizations face special problems in trying to tailor their products, services and business management to the unique needs of the foreign countries – but if they succeed, the whole world is their marketplace† (83). The success that follows them opens them the road to the economical El Dorado – the road to the instant prosperity. But as they are trying to chase the money that are raining right from above, they do not notice a very important detail. This is what the financials call the secure trade. The bigger the trade space is, the harder it is to control. Such things as unfair trade operations, bribery, money laundry, etc. are very sad but integral part of the free trade space, at least for now. The danger of terrorism is not the least to be afraid of. Not being controlled by the government, the free market must have specific measures of precaution to prevent terrorism from taking place in the area of free trade (Suder 61). With the help of the government, this could be way easier. Then comes t he next problem of the modernization of the economic systems all over the world Gjauri 213). The new trade theory states that the new profound and solid bases should be built in certain new branches of industry. On the other hand, many economists argue that this could drive these sectors to dominate the world economy and leave no place fro the development of the rest of the industrial branches. It has been shortly calculated that the sphere of service-providing takes the first place in the world economy as for today. Considered a tertiary industry, it takes now about 79% of the total sum.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The World Getting Together: Modern Economical Tendencies and the Problems They Trigger specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The industries leveled so that each of them would be posing the same importance to the state is practically impossible, yet it would be a good idea to try to shift somewhat the primary industries, such as mining, agriculture and the rest to the top of the modern politics concerns . Their importance is evident, yet they are suffering a certain lack in labor force. The multiple issues raised by the economical operations carried in the open are so hard to control that people do need some body to help them to manage the course of events. And, for nothing out of the ordinary to happen and intervene the process of the international trade and integration, such bodies as Fair Trade are needed. Eventually, if there was not a single body to coordinate the actions of al participants of the trade area, numerous undesirable events would have taken place already, and the danger that is on the agenda of the XXI century, the possibility of terrorist acts committed, has driven people to create the Fair Trade body (Suder 61). Its help is very important for the businessmen of the free trade area. They can rely on it and not bother themselves with checking if their partners are honest enough to be trusted. Fair Trade is also the place where one can speak free in case he or she has been tricked. The body that considers all the laws of the free trade can help the opponents to come to certain terms, as well as to penalize the ones who were to blame and make them pay the refund to the person or organization that has suffered certain losses. In the world of different people mixing together and the morals giving way to the profit and big income, such organizations are of the same importance as, say, the court is for the state. It provides the necessary backup and supports the interests of the entrepreneurs and businessmen who came to earn their money in honest and decent way. The role of the modern theories must not be underestimated. They contribute to the development of the economics and make the international business more organized and easier to maintain and to coordinate. However, some of them have not been time-tested and at times prove half-baked and not quite useful for the modern entrepreneurship. They have to be applied with accuracy and well-thought strategy to work right for the given enterprise in the given field of business. In this case, the idea of the integration and creating the free trade space for all the countries of the world might seem not only plausible, but also useful for the countries and their citizen.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Considering this idea, I would like to quote on Daft: †¦administrations have implemented new systems for cutting costs and increasing efficiency, but they also need to find new ways to maintain the quality of care, including the quality of the doctor-patient relationship. (560). And the â€Å"doctors† will surely find the way to treat the â€Å"patient†. Aswathappa A. International Business. New York, NY: Tata McGraw Hill. 2995. Print. Daft, Richard L., Dorothy Marcic. Understanding Management. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. 200. Print. Daniels, John D. Lee H. Radebaugh and Daniel P. Sullivan. International  Business: Environments and Operations. New York, NY: Prentice Hall. 2010. Print Gjauri, Pervez N. Jean-Claude Usunier. International Business Negotiations. New York, NY  : Emerald Grpoup Publishing. 2003. Print. Stiglitz, Joseph E. Globalization and Its Discontents. New York, NY: Norton. 2003. Print. Suder, Gabriel G. S. Terrorism and the International B usiness Environment:  the Security Business Nexus. Boston, MS: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2004. Print.

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